Yosemite – Remember 1997?

At the very beginning of 1997, the winter weather at the park was like it was this year. Same same….Tons of snow…then the warm spring. The Merced River and other creeks got the massive flow of melting snow….it clogged the river. The falls were great, but did not stop. You guessedi it…a massive flod ensured.

The valley was underwater. Everywhere. No one died, but the park had to be closed for two months. Asphalt got torn up; roadbeds outside the park cracked deeply.

And here is 2023 – the same script. As things heat up in the Sierra, the melting snow will gorge the gorges! Most of Yosemite Valley will close starting April 28, at 10 pm, due to a forecast of flooding. This closure will last until Wednesday, May 3—possibly longer. Additional flooding and closures may occur later in May or June.

Take heed and check on things before you head up.

As always – Carpe Diem!

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